Earthing by Barefoothealing

Eating for health and radiant beauty

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The physical body consists of the physiological body, the process and functioning of the density and solid mass human body.The chemistry and physical process called the endocrine system is a network of ductless glands and structures that produce and secrete hormones directly into the blood stream.

They affect the functions of specific organs, powerfully contributing to various processes through out the body, such as growth, metabolism and the functions of other organs. These glands include the anterior and prosterior pituitary, the pineal gland in the brain, as well as the thyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries and testes.

The aura is a creative expression of who we are, what we think, believe, love, hate, remember and what we have forgotten. Our bodies are a walking, talking masterpiece of created matter, serving us in the journey of remembering who we are and who we choose to be.

The etheric body holds energy points of whirling colour, called chakras, meaning wheels of energy and also referred to as the seven seals or energy vortexes. They are specific consciousness forces or gateways, and receptive points for the inflow of cosmic energy. These act as the endocrine system of the etheric body and have seven main points that resonate with the 7 main glands in the physical body and help each other and all the layers and facets of our being. It is here, at these points of whirling energy, that the cosmic energies connect our bodies to energies coming from the earth and her vortexes or power centres. These are seen as wonders of the world and respected as sacred sights. Our ancient ancestors honoured all life as sacred and understood the relationship between all living things, In the human form, these energy centres oscillate at different frequencies and wavelengths, beginning at red in the base of the spine, moving up through the shades of the rainbow reaching violet at the crown.

Eating for health and radiant beauty

These points hold the key to physical, emotional, mental and spirtual well being. When these wheels of energy are spinning fast, in tune and harmonious, then we are healthy, well balanced and radiant of all the colours of the rainbow clearly and evenly. However, through abuse of the senses and polluting thoughts and feelings, we slow them down, creating disturbances imbalances and triggering a whole array of illnesses, ailments and problems.

It seems all our lives we strive for balance, training and exercising the body to look and feel more vital, as well as more harmonious in our emotions. (Mental and spirtual states of mind). We search for the perfect balance in nutrition from various food groups, learning about supplements to give us that bit extra in these modern, demanding, and often stressful times.

Understanding our indiviidual needs enables us to embrace lovingly and willingly both the positive and negative energies of the human experience.

Allowing ourselves to eat the full spectrum of colourful  organic raw fruit and vegetables encourages high vibrational energies within your body by tuning up your chakra centres, similar to that of colour light therapy.

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Guest Wednesday, 08 May 2024