Earthing by Barefoothealing

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Water is a much neglected nutrient, sometimes when we think we are hungry our bodies are actually crying out for water but instead we shovel more foods into our systems and become even more dehydrated. Next to oxygen, water is our most vital nutrient. Unfortunately, it is also our most neglected one.

While we could survive for quite a while without food, we would last only a few days without water. Water regulates the body temperature, it brings oxygen and nutrients to cells, also carries away waste products, lubricates joints, and keeps the immune system fired up and working.

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Be still & listen

Wisdom we are told, comes with age like the lines of life experience etched on the face and body.

In truth we are ageless and timeless, and as sacred as the earth we place the soles of our feet upon.

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In perfect harmony trees drop their leaves to create compost which the earth receives as nutrients to help new and healthy leaves to grow.

Natural recycling is occurring everywhere in Nature. Water evaporates, then condenses , forming clouds that give us rain, to return our rivers and lakes, to quench our thirsty planet alive with plant, animal and human life ecology.

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Rejuvenation & Regeneration

The power and beauty of colour can have the effect of purification, healing and nourishment in our lives - yet it is often over-looked on our list of survival necessities.

Shine light on your strengths and weaknesses by bringing in the colour rays most needed at any moment. For example, a hot headed, arrogant and domineering person, traits of negative red energy, would do well to walk in a forest, or green park, eat green fresh and cooling foods, or wear something green to calm and refresh.

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Eating for health and radiant beauty

The physical body consists of the physiological body, the process and functioning of the density and solid mass human body.The chemistry and physical process called the endocrine system is a network of ductless glands and structures that produce and secrete hormones directly into the blood stream.

They affect the functions of specific organs, powerfully contributing to various processes through out the body, such as growth, metabolism and the functions of other organs. These glands include the anterior and prosterior pituitary, the pineal gland in the brain, as well as the thyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries and testes.

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